It’s a few days into plastic free July, and I thought I’d take a moment to share some tips and tricks I’ve come across that may help keep you motivated!
Over the years here at Wholefoods I’ve been privy to lots of conversations from people who are so overwhelmed by the options around being ‘plastic free’, that they haven’t really made any changes yet…
And I get it! It can be really inspiring to read about those making great leaps towards plastic free living, but it can also seem so drastic that we don’t really know where to start!
My personal recommendation is to start with the little things. Even if you dont have a shop like ours nearby to help reduce your plastic use, these tips can still make a huge difference.
1. Start collecting all the plastic bags and packets you use (every little flour bag, cereal packet, chip bag etc). The act of collecting them really helps increase your awareness about how much you’re using (which in turn makes you think twice about grabbing things you don’t need), and by dropping them off in the collection points outside the big supermarkets, that plastic gets recycled into new materials.
(update 2023: unfortunately these services are no longer available. Personally I still recommend putting the plastic bags aside, as it’s a great way to keep yourself accountable to how much plastic you’re actually using. NOT to guilt yourself, but perhaps it will give you some motivation to keep making wiser choices when you’re able!)
2. Commit to cutting out one type of single use packaging when it comes to eating out, and stick to it no matter what. Eg if you didn’t take your re-usable cup (and the cafe doesn’t have a mug library) then skip the drink or have it in instead of takeaway. If you forgot your reusable straw then go without. Take your own container to the sushi shop (and say no to those pesky soy sauce fish!)…
3. Choose another item around the home that you’re going to avoid plastic/disposables in. A good one is switching to loose leaf tea instead of tea bags. Or only buying loose apples/oranges instead of the bagged ones.
4. Get a shopping bag that you can keep in your handbag, glove compartment or briefcase (ideally one made from up-cycled materials or all natural fibres). Get in the habit of returning it to your bag/car, and make it a non-negotiable.
5. Have a browse through the plastic free July website for plenty more tips and tricks from those who’ve been there and done it!
These steps may be little but they can have a huge rebound effect on reducing the amount of plastic (and waste in general) that you consume, and also in encouraging those around you to step up and do the same. Before you know it those little steps we all take together are going to have us all leaping to a future that’s cleaner, greener, and so much brighter.
If you have any other little ideas you think our community could benefit from please send them our way so we can share them around!